Rottingdean Volunteer Community Logo

Website Launched!

Website has launched!

We are very fortunate to have lots of different activities in our lovely village – there’s plenty to do every week of the year! Many of them are run by volunteers who give up their time to provide such a wide range of opportunities.

We have spent the last six months working as a forum to bring them all together under one umbrella website. Going forward, the intention is to work together in a more collaborative fashion, and to avoid calendar clashes when arranging activities open to everyone in the village and beyond.

A few groups are still working on their contributions to the new website but you can see that there are already a number of groups and organisations promoting what they do, the volunteering opportunities on offer, and the dates of activities arranged for 2024.

Please do use the website to see what’s going on in Rottingdean, and if we have missed out your group which is run by volunteers, please get in touch with:

If you already have your community on here and would like to update your content or add further events, please email Joanna Janse van Vuuren at: